Book your tickets to support the victims of conflict
Mënschen Hëllefen
In Luxembourg and Ukraine, the Luxembourg Red Cross helps the victims of the conflict to live in dignity.
Our mission
In mobilizing human solidarity, we act exemplary, efficiently and responsibly to rescue those in distress and prevent situations of physical, health and social precariousness, both in Luxembourg and abroad.
The Red Cross Luxembourg offers a diversified range of services to help vulnerable people to live in dignity and autonomy, both in Luxembourg and abroad.
ORIBeHo Support & counselling for highly contentious parents Strongly divided family conflicts are characterised by a different dynamic. In these families, the emotional problems take centre stage and basic forms of communication between the parties are often only possible to a limited extent or not at all.If highly contentious parents do not succeed in ending […]
Lotus : Living without transgressions Lotus embodies our commitment to young people exhibiting transgressive behaviours. Our mission is to support teenagers aged 12 to 17 by helping them better understand and manage their emotions, while providing them with the tools they need to avoid problematic behaviours. We aim to support their development so that they […]
CR Services, the Luxembourg Red Cross’ partner for catering and cleaning services Founded in 2008 as a limited liability company, CR Services’ main mission is to provide catering and cleaning services to the Luxembourg Red Cross and its beneficiaries. Today, we’re proud to have over 200 employees working at some 15 catering sites and cleaning […]
The Red Cross Luxembourg stands in solidarity with the most vulnerable around the world. Our teams of the “Aide Internationale” (Humanitarian Aid) unit can deploy in emergency to support those affected by conflict, as well as of natural and man-made disasters.
The Help and Care service of the Luxembourg Red Cross helps people who are losing their autonomy or who are debilitated by a health condition to live at home while maintaining a quality of life that meets their expectations. These services enable the person and his/her family to carry out essential daily activities and to participate in dedicated activities and leisure as well.
The Centre de Réhabilitation Château de Colpach (CRCC) helps with the physical, physiological and psychological recovery of its patients. It houses two national services: the National Post-Oncological Rehabilitation Service (Service National de Réhabilitation Post-Oncologique) and the National Physical Rehabilitation Service (Service National de Réhabilitation Physique).
You can play an active role in saving lives or improving the lives of sick or injured people by donating blood. Might you be interested? Here’s what you need to know before you embark on this adventure.
For the perpetrators of domestic violence, consulting Riicht Eraus’ team is a way out of an infernal spiral. Since its creation in 2004, the service’s mission has been to accompany and advise them, whether they have already been convicted for their actions or not.
Although Luxembourg is known as a rich country, its residents include people affected by poverty. And the number of households in precarious situations is constantly increasing. The Red Cross “Butteks” provide people affected by poverty with food and everyday products for a financial contribution of about one third of market prices.
The Centre d’Accueil Norbert Ensch (CANE) is a reception centre for children and adolescents in difficult situations. It guarantees them a stable and safe living environment that respects the rights of each individual, thus promoting their personal development.
The Transition Houses and Nurseries (Maisons Relais and Crèches) are Luxembourg Red Cross structures dedicated to children and their parents. They have been created to offer families high-quality education and care.
Abricoeur is the name of the service of the Luxembourg Red Cross which includes the Streetwork programme as well as other programmes helping those living on the streets or in very precarious situations.
For more than 50 years, the Service Vacances (holiday service) of the Luxembourg Red Cross has been offering seaside, mountain or countryside holidays to children and teenagers. From now on, under the supervision of young volunteers specifically trained by the Luxembourg Red Cross Youth, they will discover their environment thanks to numerous activities as varied as they are entertaining.
The Families First (FFL) program helps families in crisis. Specially trained experts intervene directly on the spot, i.e. in the family itself. The aim: to avoid the placement of children whenever possible by analysing the family setting, activating resources and stabilising the situation.
DropIn is a place for sex workers and drug addicts offering medical, social, psychological and material support and follow-up. Opened in 1998, this safe, neutral and anonymous space follows a non-directive approach, i.e. it respects people’s life choices without judgement.
Blood Donation
Make an active contribution to saving human lives or improving the living conditions of sick and injured people. Donate blood at the “Centre de Transfusion sanguine” in Luxembourg City or at one of the other decentralized blood donation spots.
What are the benefits of volunteer work?
Volunteering is a selfless commitment to support and help others. For the volunteer himself, this commitment offers a feeling of satisfaction and an experience with added value.