World Refugee Day 2024: celebration and solidarity  

20 June 2024

World Refugee Day, celebrated every year on 20 June, is an opportunity to pay tribute to the millions of forcibly displaced people around the world. This event highlights not only their challenges but also their talents, hopes and resilience. This year, the Migrants and Refugees Department organised a series of activities at the Centre Primo-Accueil Kirchberg (CPA-K) to showcase the diverse cultures of our residents, while encouraging links and moments of sharing.   

Highlighting talents and cultural exchanges   

Residents will have the opportunity to showcase their talents through various presentations, including dancing, singing, guitar and fitness sessions led by the SINGA association .  

An introductory music workshop will be offered by the EME association , enabling everyone to discover and appreciate music in all its forms. At the same time, exciting games will pit the CRL team against the residents, to strengthen team spirit. Hairdressing workshops will allow participants to have fun and relax in a festive and friendly atmosphere. 

What is your dream? Discover the aspirations of applicants for international protection

Ruqia, Afghanistan
Boniface, Congo
Carlos, Brazil

Creativity, diversity and culinary sharing  

Residents will be preparing culinary specialities from their own countries, offering a unique opportunity to share culinary traditions and enjoy tasty dishes.   

Participants will also have the opportunity to have their photo taken by a member of the care team, and will receive a souvenir photo at a later date. A wish tree will give everyone the opportunity to share their hopes and dreams. In addition, a photo exhibition highlighting the joyful moments experienced by residents during their stay at the center is also planned.  

To round off the day, a “remembrance corner” will be set up, allowing residents to light an LED candle in memory of a loved one.  

This celebration is not only a recognition of the challenges overcome by refugees, but also underlines the importance of welcome and solidarity. Thanks to the variety of activities and the commitment of the organising teams, the day promises to be rich in emotion and discovery for all those taking part.