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Link to the information leaflet for job and traineeship applicants

This notice is intended to inform job and traineeship applicants of the use made of their personal data and of the rights they have when applying to one of the following entities:

  • The Luxembourg Red Cross,
  • La Fondation Emile Mayrisch – Croix Rouge a.s.b.l.,
  • Doheem Versuergt – Service des Aides et des Soins de la Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise a.s.b.l.,
  • L’Aide Internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise a.s.b.l.,
  • The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – Shelter Research Unit a.s.b.l.,
  • CR Services S.à.r.l.

Each of these entities (hereinafter referred to as “We”) in its capacity as data controller attaches great importance to the respect of the privacy of the persons whose data it collects, and treats all applications sent to it with the utmost confidentiality throughout the recruitment process.

Why do we process your data?

Your personal data is collected and processed as part of the recruitment process:

– for the purposes of managing and following up applications, selecting and interviewing candidates, responding to candidates,

– for the purposes of the recruitment decision and the execution of pre-contractual measures,

– for the purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by the entity concerned, in particular when your data is processed in order to contact you for another vacancy, or for statistical purposes.

What types of data are collected?

In addition to the personal data that you voluntarily provide us through the information you enter in our database, your curriculum vitae, cover letter or any other document in support of your application, other types of data may be collected when establishing the employment contract. The data collected are mainly:

– identification data (surname, first name, date and place of birth);

– contact details (postal address, telephone number, email address);

– data concerning your professional qualifications and experience;

– other data mentioned in the curriculum vitae, the cover letter and any other information given in the application (photograph, language skills, etc.);

– a copy of your identity card, a copy of your social security card, a copy of your diplomas;

– a copy of your bank account number;

– the certificate from your former employer(s);

– in some cases, a copy of your criminal record, a copy of your driving licence;

– for certain positions, a certificate of approval and/or a copy of your authorisation to practise or a copy of your work permit;

– in some cases, your European Economic Area residence permit.

We do not process your health data for recruitment purposes. However, if you voluntarily submit some personal data relating to your state of health, it will only be recorded at your express request and only if it can have an impact on the tasks you have to carry out. This data will not be systematically transmitted to the multi-sectoral occupational health service and its transmission does not commit us in relation to any monitoring of your health situation (recall of vaccinations, etc.).

How long is your data kept?

At the end of the recruitment process, the personal data of unsuccessful candidates will be kept by Us for a maximum period of 12 months from the last contact with the candidate, unless the candidate objects. The personal data of successful candidates will be kept for the legally required period of time.

With whom is your data shared?

Your data is treated in complete confidentiality and is only shared with third parties when useful, necessary and in accordance with the law. To this end, only authorised persons from the internal departments involved in the recruitment process will be able to access your personal data, in strict compliance with their duties and for the above-mentioned purposes. In addition, your data may be shared with service providers, in particular in the case of outsourcing of recruitment management or in the context of IT outsourcing. In the latter case, we ensure that your data is stored and processed within the European Union.

What are your rights?

In accordance with the law, you have the following rights:

– The right to information. We hope this notice has answered your questions.

– The right to access your data.

– The right to rectify your data when it is erroneous or obsolete.

– The right to lodge a complaint with the “Commission nationale pour la protection des données” (CNPD) if you consider that the processing of your data does not comply with the law.

In certain cases and under the conditions laid down by law, you also have the following rights:

– The right to request the deletion of your data.

– The right to request the limitation of the processing of your data.

– The right to object to the processing of your data on legitimate grounds.

– The right to the portability of the data you have provided us with (i.e. the right to receive your personal data on a machine-readable medium), insofar as this is technically possible.

If you have any questions concerning the processing of your data or to exercise your rights, you can contact the Human Resources Department of the Luxembourg Red Cross or the Data Protection Officer of the following entities:

Luxembourg Red Cross
Data protection
44, boulevard Joseph II
BP 404 L-2014 Luxembourg
Email : gdpr@croix-rouge.lu

Doheem versuergt – Service Aides et des Soins de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise a.s.b.l.
Data protection
2, rue Nicolas Bové
L-1253 Luxembourg
Email: gdpr-infos@help.lu

Fondation Emile Mayrisch – Red Cross a.s.b.l.
Data protection
44, boulevard Joseph II
BP 404 L-2014 Luxembourg
Email: dpo.rehabilitation@croix-rouge.lu

International Aid – Luxembourg Red Cross a.s.b.l.
Data protection
44, boulevard Joseph II
BP 404 L-2014 Luxembourg
Email : gdpr@croix-rouge.lu

CR Services S.àr.l.
Data protection
44, boulevard Joseph II
BP 404 L-2014 Luxembourg
Email : gdpr@croix-rouge.lu

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – Shelter Research Unit
Data protection
44, boulevard Joseph II
BP 404 L-2014 Luxembourg
Email : gdpr@croix-rouge.lu

In order to comply with the regulations in force, we undertake to update this information notice whenever necessary.