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Local section Dippach: Come to the autumn festival on 23 October!

04 October 2022

The local section of the Dippach is holding its traditional autumn festival on Sunday 23 October at the cultural centre in Dippach. You can enjoy the aperitif from 11:30 am. This year’s lunch menu is: “Prince Orloff mat gebrodene Gromperen a Geméis” (Prince Orloff roast with fried potatoes and vegetables).

At 2:30 pm there will be a concert by the Schuller-Sprénkeng brass band conducted by Mr Didier Wein. In addition, great raffle prizes await you. Plus: a delicious selection of cakes.

The proceeds of this day will support the activities of the Luxembourg Red Cross.

For lunch reservations, please call 621 753 123 between 5pm and 7pm by 17 October or email: croix-rouge.dippach@pt.lu.