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12 August: International Youth Day

12 August 2024

Kim Evers and her commitment to the Youth Red Cross

To mark International Youth Day, we would like to introduce you to an extraordinary young woman: Kim Evers. She has been volunteering as a animator (Licence B, C, D, D “Rescue Team”) with the Luxembourg Red Cross Youth since 2015. The 25-year-old from Bascharage is not only enthusiastic about holiday colonies, but is also one of the responsible persons for the “Rescue Team” project. On holiday colonies she teaches children and young people the basics of first aid in a playful way.

We asked Kim a few questions to find out more about her inspiring voluntary work and her experiences with children and young people:

1. Kim, what inspired you to volunteer with the Red Cross?

As a child, I often went on holiday colonies – it was always great! When I heard about a school friend who was a youth animator with the Red Cross, I was immediately enthusiastic. Her stories and the experiences she had motivated me to become active myself. So in 2015, I signed up with a friend for the first Red Cross animator training course.

2. Has your many years as a animator changed your view of young people?

It is impressive to see how children interact with other children who have a disability during our holiday colonies. They learn that every person is unique and that you can have a great time together despite or because of this.

I cannot confirm the often prevalent opinion that today’s young people are lazy and only fixated on their mobile phones. I see many young people at our holiday colonies who volunteer in their free time and are committed to helping other children. I think that’s wonderful!

3. Are there any special experiences for you as a animator that have remained in your memory?

What always particularly moves me is seeing how children at our holiday colonies who have never been in contact with people with a disability before deal with it. They are often unsure at first, but after our explanations and guidance, they are so motivated to help and look after others. It’s great to witness.

Another experience was a little boy from a children’s home who didn’t want to go back to the home at the end of a holiday colonie. He had come to trust us animators so much during the ten days and was so happy that it almost broke my heart to bring him back when we returned.

Kim Evers shows how much heart and commitment goes into the work of the Youth Red Cross.
Many thanks to Kim and everyone else who is working to make the world a better place for young people!