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Support the BAZAR ON TOUR 2020 by making a Digicash donation

05 November 2020

This year, you can support the traditional BAZAR DE LA CROIX-ROUGE by making directly a donation for the good cause.

All you have to do is flash the below QR code with your Digicash application.

All proceeds of this exception edition of the Bazar called  “BAZAR ON TOUR 2020” will go to children and young people who are particularly vulnerable due to the current situation. The aim of the aid will be to provide social and psychological support, to help them succeed at school and to promote autonomy of young people. The type of support given will be adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries and may, for example, contribute to financing specific studies or training courses or to cover costs of extracurricular, cultural or sporting activities.

We need your support for the BAZAR ON TOUR, and young people need our help more than ever. Thanks in advance for your generosity.