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Thank you to the blood donors!

08 November 2021

Luxembourg, 8 November 2021 – On Saturday 6 November, more than 140 blood donors were thanked in Diekirch during a ceremony given in their honour. Their repeated altruistic gestures made it possible, even at the height of the pandemic, to support the sick and injured whose treatment required numerous transfusions. As the need for blood in hospitals has been rising sharply for several months now, it is important that everyone remains mobilised and donates as regularly as possible. 

The ceremony took place in the presence of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess, the Minister for Health Paulette Lenert and the Mayor of Diekirch, Claude Haagen. It was an opportunity to thank in particular those who have already given blood or plasma 20, 40 or 80 times in Luxembourg during their lives. Without them, the Luxembourg health system simply would not function. 

Dr Anne Schuhmacher, medical director of the Blood Transfusion Centre, emphasises that “blood donation is not like any other act. For each donation, up to three people can receive a blood product, be it red blood cells, platelets or plasma. And all those we met on Saturday are in a way everyday heroes, anonymous, but so human and persevering. We will never be able to find the words to thank them for their commitment!

Everything that we do is made possible thanks to the generosity of blood donors. There were 13,726 registered on the Red Cross lists in 2020, including 1,505 who gave for the first time. For Dr Andrée Heinricy, “last year’s 21,734 donations are an encouraging sign: they mean that it is possible to meet the needs of our healthcare system… but we must not give up; we must continue to come and give: we still need blood and plasma, and this year more than last year. New donors are always welcome, and existing donors who come back regularly are the country’s best asset to help us ensure self-sufficiency… We don’t know how to ‘make blood’, we can only collect and distribute what people come to give us.”

Photo: © Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue