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Our mission

Mobilizing human solidarity :
A local player with global values

In mobilizing human solidarity, we act exemplary, efficiently and responsibly to rescue those in distress and prevent situations of physical, health and social precariousness, both in Luxembourg and abroad.

Discover our services

The Red Cross Luxembourg offers a diversified range of services to help vulnerable people to live in dignity and autonomy, both in Luxembourg and abroad.

Blood Donation

All about Blood Donation in Luxembourg

Make an active contribution to saving human lives or improving the living conditions of sick and injured people. Donate blood at the “Centre de Transfusion sanguine” in Luxembourg City or at one of the other decentralized blood donation spots.


We need volunteers

What are the benefits of volunteer work?

Volunteering is a selfless commitment to support and help others. For the volunteer himself, this commitment offers a feeling of satisfaction and an experience with added value.

Through my voluntary work, I contribute to a better society – and I flourish in it myself