The lack of affordable housing for vulnerable people is a major challenge in Luxembourg. The real estate unit (“Service Immobilier”) and Cellule Logement Encadrement Solidaire (CLES- Solidarity Housing Unit) of the Luxembourg Red Cross respond to the housing needs of vulnerable individuals and families in Luxembourg with an innovative and collaborative approach.
The most vulnerable populations are those who are most often affected by housing problems: the homeless, single-parent families and all those living near or below the risk of poverty threshold.
The housing problem is omnipresent and has been known for a long time to all social players in the country. For years Luxembourg has been faced with the challenges of a lack of affordable housing for people with alternative or simply modest incomes, price increases and general housing shortages.
The situation is exacerbated by the corking effect, meaning that many of the beneficiaries would no longer need supported or social housing, but cannot find affordable accommodation on the private market. Our service CLES was created to help them.
The Luxembourg Red Cross seeks to respond to the housing needs of its beneficiaries by contributing to the implementation of innovative, collaborative solutions, favouring social diversity.
Research and the development of innovative concepts for affordable and social housing projects are carried out in collaboration with other departments of the organization, as well as in partnership with other associations and public or private stakeholders, both at the local and national levels.
The aim is to create strategic partnerships and develop opportunities for housing projects together.
Do you own a home?
The Luxembourg Red Cross can vouch for your tenant. During the first year of the lease, we are committed to provide social support to your tenant and guarantees the payment of the rent as well as an advance payment of up to €3,000 for any material damage that is not covered by the rental deposit. As an alternative to the rental guarantees, you also have the possibility of renting your property to the Luxembourg Red Cross as part of a social rental management.
Moreover, the Luxembourg Red Cross can also reinforce its housing stock for the most vulnerable people thanks to donations and legacies.
Service Immobilier
18, rue de Gespeelt L-3378
L-3378 Livange