Our commitment to a decent life in autonomy

The Luxembourg Red Cross Humanitarian Aid is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It adheres to its 7 fundamental principles.

Created in 1864,  together with the Geneva Conventions, the Red Cross’ initial mission was providing urgent and non-discriminatory relief to the injured in armed conflicts. Over time, and in view of the chronic nature of crises, we have expanded our commitment. In our international work, we are now pursuing the humanitarian ‘triple nexus’ of Emergency Aid, Development work and the promotion of Peace to sustainably improve the lives of women, children and vulnerable people, to build their resilience in the face of crises and to enable them to live with dignity and autonomy.

We place great importance on financial transparency

Rigorous and transparent management of financial resources is essential to maximize the impact of projects and to respect the trust of our partners and donors.

Here are all the latest figures on the use of our resources in our Humanitarian Aid activities.

We respect the code of good conduct “Don en confiance”

The Luxembourg Red Cross regularly appeals to the generosity of its donors in order to support its social, health and humanitarian missions of general interest.

Aware of their duty to provide information, and wanting donors to be able to make donations in complete confidence, the Luxembourg Red Cross and four other Luxembourg non-profit organizations adopted on 13 February 2007 the Code of good conduct for organizations appealing to the generosity of the public and created the association “Don en confiance” a.s.b.l. Internal control tools are used to ensure the transparency and accuracy of financial flows, as well as the approval of income and expenditure in accordance with the budget approved by the governing bodies.