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Social welfare offices (offices sociaux)

Helping people lead a life in dignity

Luxembourg's municipalities are grouped into 30 social welfare offices (Offices Sociaux) with geographically defined areas of competence, which you can find on the website of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. As the Luxembourg Red Cross is familiar with the frontline aspect of social work, it has been subcontracted to carry out the social aids of 14 of these social offices. A simple call to the Red Cross Helpline, on 2755, will tell you which social office is competent for your municipality of residence.

Social assistance in Luxembourg

Since 2011, the law organising social assistance in Luxembourg has guaranteed a right to social assistance for people in need and their families. Its main function is to take care of people who have fallen through the cracks of society and to enable them to regain a decent and dignified situation. All necessary means are made available to them so that their precarious situation is assessed and remedied, and not allowed to worsen.

Fighting poverty and social exclusion

Whether the situation is related to divorce, loss of employment, looking for housing or over-indebtedness, the death of a partner, or the search for a social care institution, the offices’ social workers are able to offer individualised social assistance, based on a precise assessment of the applicant's situation.

The aim of the assistance is to enable individuals in need to lead a life in accordance with human dignity, by giving them access to goods and services adapted to their particular situation. This means helping them become or remain autonomous while their social isolation lasts. This assistance is subsidiary and may complement social measures and financial benefits provided for by other laws and regulations, which the beneficiary is required to exhaust. The aid is focused on short-, medium- or long-term social support. Where necessary, this support will be accompanied by material assistance in kind or in cash.

Social support and treatment for all problems

The social offices lend their support to those who need them in many different ways.

This can be:

  • Helping clients to access legal benefits, financial aid, material aid (social integration income, social third-party payer, various aid allowances, social groceries...)
  • Listening and assisting in case of social problems, from the youngest to the very eldest
  • Social, psychological, budgetary, administrative and pedagogical advice,
  • Tailored provision of information on all existing support services and benefits,
  • Steering, guiding and accompanying assistance seekers towards other specialized services,
  • Acting as a go-between with third parties (associations, lawyers, bailiffs...)
  • Providing short, medium- and long-term social support,
  • Providing financial management as required,
  • Carrying out first interventions in cases of social emergency.

Find our offices in your municipality

Office social d'Echternach

9, Rue André Duchscher
L-6434 Echternach

26 72 00 91

Office social de Wiltz

16-18, rue des Tondeurs
L-9570 Wiltz

26 95 21

Office social de Strassen

1, place Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
L-8041 Strassen

31 02 62 477

Office social de Steinsel

1, rue des près
L-7333 Steinsel

33 21 39 1

Office social de Steinfort

11, rue de Kleinbettingen
L-8436 Steinfort

28 22 75 224

Office social de Schifflange

13, Rue du Pont
L-3873 Schifflange

54 50 61 800

Office social de Remich

16-18, Maachergaass
L-5550 Remich

26 66 00 37

Office social de Mamer

2-4 Parc d'activités Capellen
L-8308 Capellen

26 11 37 1

Office social de Kayl

82, rue de Tétange
L-3672 Kayl

56 66 66 480

Office social de Bascharage

29, rue de la Résistance
L-4901 Bascharage

500 552 383

Office social de Grevenmacher

33, rue de Trèves
L-6793 Grevenmacher

26 70 50

Office social Ieweschte Syrdall (Contern)

15, rue de la gare
L-5353 Oetrange

27 69 29 1

Office social de Beaufort

6, rue de l’Auberge
L-6315 Beaufort

26 87 60 54 1

Office social commune de Dalheim et de Mondorf-Les-Bains

1, place des Villes Jumelées
L-5627 Mondorf-Les-Bains

23 60 55 62

Contact us

13, rue de Bragance
L-1255 Luxembourg


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